Become an Model 2024
Becoming an model is a tough decision for most. But let us clear up a few things first… modeling is not prostitution, prostitution is prostitution, that’s why they have different words. Modeling is legal in the U.S., it’s the act of going on a paid date. Prostitution is the act of being paid for sex. Big difference. In general society, two people dating could end up having sex. Paying for companionship, is not illegal, therefore paying for an model is not illegal.
Model Reviews
Just like in porn, there are different calibers of Models. Some are much higher in price and quality and some are much lower. Models reviews allow the general public to provide feedback on their experience, and we closely watch each review that our Models receive. Reviews, just like in any industry, are extremely important. We live in a country that regulates what you can and cannot do with your own body, so you need a trained professional who is going to help you avoid, bad clients, and help keep everything you do legal so there is no recourse.
How Much Does an Model Make
It all depends. The range is anywhere from $100 – $200 per hour for low and middle of the range models. Our models typically earn: $250 – $600 per hour. One good client can easily give over $100,000 per year, not to mention gifts and trips. It’s not uncommon to see an model make well over $350,000 a year. Availability by the provider is the determining factor when it comes to an model’s earnings. The more time you make for your clients, the more you’ll earn.