How to Become a Porn Star 2024

Posted by in Escorting

Are you looking to break into the porn industry in 2024?  If you want to become a porn star in 2023, we will give you an inside look into the industry.  Click the read more button for an insider’s look into the porn industry.

This is one of the most lucrative business for producers and distributors in the adult business. It takes a lot to make it as a huge star in today’s industry, due to the market wanting a fresh new face. If you are that fresh new face you can except the following 3 months to 2 years as a normal life cycle. Don’t let that stop you because for most porn actors its just a portal to bigger and better thing, while others make full careers out of it. Everyone has individual results just like everything in life its what you out into it you get back. They average pay for female actors is 900-1200 starting out, part of this money can go to agent fee’s and housing fees. Agent fees? Most agent fees range from 10-30% this is the cost of someone finding you and delivering you a solid booking. Housing fees? Housing fees are fees that they charge each week for staying in Porn Houses.

These houses are designed for you to stay in on average 500.00 a few where you and X number of girls will stay in L.A. or Miami while you are working, the agents usually set this up for you and pay your first week and you need to pay them back. Testing is another fee that you are responsible for ever other week. You cannot shoot without a clean bill of health no older than 14 days. Your total weekly cost can range from the amount that you would get from one full shoot, yes people you are in a business working for yourself its going to cost money. Most girls find themselves in huge amounts of debt before they gain serious leverage to be able to pay it back. In about 3 to 6 months into it you will break even and start to make money. This is not a business to jump into if you are hard up for money. If its fame you are after, then Porn is definitely the way to go! If its money you’re looking for then keep reading there are much better offers.

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