Become an Model 2024
If you’re looking to become an model in 2024, you’re in the right place. Modeling has to be one of the most controversial jobs on the planet for many reasons not just the obvious. But is it legal? Click the read more button to find out.
If you become an model, it IS LEGAL. First off, modeling is not prostitution, prostitution is prostitution, that’s why they have different words. Modeling is legal in the U.S. and in all countries, it’s the act of going on a paid date. Prostitution is the act of being paid for sex. Big difference. Now where things start to get blurry, is when people choose to have sex on the first date. In just general society, if you go on a date, the guy pays for dinner, wine, and gives you $500 to go shopping the next day, it is perfectly legal. So why is there any question when it comes to modeling? Models make their own choices, and all they have agreed to, is to be paid for time and companionship, which is not illegal.
Rick — :
– Very true.